(904) 388-2134 or (904) 613-1437 joelsloanfccamp@gmail.com

How Much Does Camp Cost?


The average costs for summer camp for one student is $300!

 12 people donating $25 each could send 1 student to camp, who would not otherwise be able to go.

You can donate any amount.


Donations by Mail

Checks can be made to :
Joel Sloan FC Summer Camp Scholarship Fund

Mail to:

Joel Sloan Florida College Camp Scholarship Fund
3545 Pine Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32205

We are a 501 (c)(3)

The Joel Sloan Florida College Camp Scholarship Fund is established as a Florida non-profit corporation and is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Help Let Others Know About Helping Campers

Our Printable Brochure is Available Here

A copy of our printed brochure is available here. Please keep in mind that it is a bit large, so you will want to be on a high speed connection prior to downloading your own copy.

Joel Sloan Camp Scholarship Fund(.pdf)